Frequently Asked Questions
How do I order the new fuel sample kits?
You order sample kits the same way that you always have by contacting CHS lubricants customer care. The legacy kits that are in circulation will be accepted, please submit your sample online. In fact, the changes to the kits will be minor (labels on the metal sample cans, notecards). Until you have a kit with the new labels, write the sample ID directly on the can with a permanent marker.
How do I submit a sample?
Please submit your fuel sample form on the website and be sure to write the sample ID on the label of the sample can. There is a helpful tutorial on our homepage.
How can I ship my sample once I submit the online form?
Please ship your fuel sample with the included FedEx labels, shipping box and spill rag, just like you always have. Please be sure to write the sample ID on the can label before packaging. Please take note of your FedEx tracking number in case you need to check on the shipping status. CHS does not have a record of this number to assist you.
Where do I access sample results?
When your sample results are ready you will receive an email with a link to the results. To access your historical samples please visit the Fuel Sample Result page. Your Fuel Samples (
Who do I contact to discuss my sample results?
Please contact CHS Technical Services if you have questions on your fuel sample results. or 1-800-852-8166.
Why am I not able to access this system yet?
Customers without a CHS email address: Users without a CHS email address are not currently able to access the website to submit or view sample results. Please submit your fuel samples utilizing the included forms with the sample kits. We are working to grant full access to all Cenex customers and will notify you when access is available.
Customers with a CHS email address: You have not yet attempted to register. Once you register, you can submit a fuel sample. Within 24 business hours your account will get associated to your local company by a CHS representative
Since I do not have access, can I still submit samples?
Yes. Please use the included paper form in the kit to submit a sample. You will receive your results via email. If you are a someone with a CHS email but are unable to access the website, please contact us.
When will non-CHS users have access to this platform?
Although we do not have a date set, we are working diligently to enable access for all Cenex fuel customers.
How soon should I expect sample results after shipping my sample?
Once your sample status changes to “received by lab” you can expect results to be available in four business days.
What testing can the CHS fuel laboratory perform?
Please visit Fuel Sampling Program ( to see a list of the diesel and gasoline analysis performed by the CHS fuel lab.
What sample characteristics prohibit the lab from performing a full analysis?
Microbe testing can only be performed with free water present. Please indicate in the lab notes if you desire microbial testing.
Cannot perform testing if there is too much solid debris/contaminants.
Cannot determine specific solid debris (e.g., sugar, rust, etc.).
Cannot perform testing if there is too much water/suspended water.
Cannot determine if non-Cenex additives are present.
Cannot determine specific percentages of #2 and #1 ULSD Blends.
What types of products can I submit?
Diesel Fuel up to B20, Fuel Oil, Gasoline up to E15, Kerosene.
Can I submit a fuel filter for testing?
Please contact CHS Technical Services to discuss submitting fuel filters.
How do I know if my sample has been received at the lab?
The status of your sample will be updated in the system throughout the process. Please visit the fuel results page to check the status of your fuel sample.